Philadelphia Area Repeater Association


Paragraphs is the official quarterly publication
for PARA
PARA has a circulation of about 200 mailings
each quarter, mailed first class

At the November 1999 Board meeting, the Board approved advertising in PARA-graphs to help offset the ever rising printing and postage costs. The following per issue ad schedule was approved:

Full Page $125. Half Page $75. Quarter Page $50. Business Card $25.

Non-Commercial Classified 3 lines $10.

Repeated ad in consecutive issues will receive a 10% discount if prepaid before publication.

Contact Dick K3ITH to place an ad ([email protected]) or submit this form

to PARA, Box 64, Valley Forge, Pa 19481-0064

Advertiser _______________ Contact ____________ Phone _________________

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________

Date _________ Number Issues _____Size Ad _______ Copy _______________

Amount Paid $ _______ Amount Due $ __________