Technical Committee Report:



94 Media All Equipment Operating well.

76: Valley Forge: Operating well with new Kenwood Package

76: Worcester: Standby transmitter - receiver problem to be addressed - need help

82: Camden: up and running very well thanks to Ron Cohen

76 Links:

Eagleville: package from Pottstown on here; we now have our equipment off the old tower that's coming down and replacement antennas mounted on the new tower
Bacton Hill: Off due to equipment problems
Camden: on line and working very well - better than ever

Sellersville: operating

224.94 Valley Forge up and running - little activity if any
224.86 Worcester up and running
443.9 Valley Forge up and running- little activity (new Yaesu package)
53.41 Valley Forge running except receiver at Boyertown-no audio - little activity