Main Repeaters 146.76 /443.9 mhz
Philadelphia Area Repeater Association, Inc
54 Years of Service this year January 2024
Attention Members We now are using Groups.io for communications and discussions You should have received the invitation to join -Please do so - contact me, K3DSM.GM (at) Gmail.com if you didnt get the invitation Next Meeting: November 6 , 2024 Via ZOOM Meeting Starts at 730PM Special Program: By Ron K3ZKO on Grounding & Lightning & 443.9 repeater update, 76 AllStar, DMR info & More All Star Link Package:
Talk-in on 76 Meeting Location Map: Lower Providence Township Building 100 Parklane Drive, Eagleville, Pa 19403 (Norristown in some GPS) Just off Ridge Pike Directions: 1. From King of Prussia, take Rt. 202 South to Rt. 422 West to the Oaks Exit. Then, at the exit ramp turn Right onto Egypt Road and take the second Left onto Pinetown Road. 2. Go to the second stop sign and turn Left onto Eagleville Road. 3. Go to the traffic light at Ridge Pike and proceed straight into the Lower Providence Township property; bare right and follow the driveway to the township building which is beyond the public library. |
PARA-Net Every Tuesday Night at 8 PM on 146.76 Mhz (PL 131.8) Open to all hams - informal discussions on ham equipment, ham activities, computers, computer problems, gadgets, PARA-Normal activities, equipment for sale, and anything else you want to share or hear about. Thanks to Tom W3EX & Al KA3ADI for helping me with the Allstar Project NEW!!! New QSL Card available for those checking in to the net - only linited quantity |
A Special Thank you to the folks at Davy Tree Service for their special consideration of our non-profit status in mantaining the grounds of our Worcester Repeater Site |
Worcester Repeater Site
The 76 repeater at Worcester is still running the Kenwood repeater package (with a 100Watt Amp)
Radio Shack Lives ! The Radio Shack in New Holland on Rt 23, just 2 miles past Shady Maple Smorgasbord is well stocked and also carries used Ham Equipment as well as New Yaesu & Anytone DMR Radios all employees are ham operators This is also the site of the Red Rose Hamfest in October Garden Spot Fire & Rescue 339 East Main Street |
Need a member badge, new or replacement? Contact Gene at K3DSM at Yahoo.com |
Our History The Main Line VHF Association was reorganized November 1, 1967 and operated the 34-76 repeater, later 34-94 / The Los Voyagers operated the 28-76 repeater, later 28-88. PARA was born Dec 7, 1970 at the GE Space Center in King of Prussia where both clubs merged. There were over 300 hams at this meeting. The 16-76 repeater with an autopatch was born out of this meeting when Gene K3DSM demonstrated his 446 repeater with autopatch.. PARA continued to operate a 34-94 and 28-88 repeater. Within the next years, a repeater group from Jersey merged adding the 22-82 repeater and then a group merged from the Feasterville area adding the 37-97 repeater. The Quadrant idea was formed to take traffic off the 76 repeater and onto the quadrant repeaters. In 2010, PARA dropped the 88 and 97 repeaters due to lack of interest and loss of coordination. PARA has an interesting list of PARAsites where the repeaters once resided including Penn Valley, Berwyn, Honeybrook (early 70's), West Chester, etc. Would love to have those dates if someone has them.
October 2005 Last Paragraphs that was mailed to all paid members, supported by advertisers - Normally delivered by email
Click below for Information
Board Meetings: (as necessary)
PARA's Board is made up of 5 directors at large, plus Officers: President, Vice President, Rec Secretary, Treasurer, elected from/by members at large
The PARA Constitution and By-Laws were amended in 2010. Board members are now elected from membership at large rather than quadrants. There are now only 5 board members plus officers. Specific changes are on page 16 of the document, half way down. Click for Revised Edition
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PARA at Berwyn Roller Rink ( 1969-70) One of PARA's first locations serviced the entire Phila area Note the duplexers on top of the rack and the mechanical code ID wheel in the upper right. |