From ARRL's "How to Become a Radio Amateur", copyright 1955
Shown is the simple but very effective short wave CW transmitter built on a wood platform using a 6V6 tube. The antenna was a folded dipole. The companion power supply was also constructed, supplying 350 volts DC and 6 volts AC for the filaments. The transmitter worked very well on 80 and 40 meters and contacts were made on CW all over the country. I remember telling my parents after making one of my first contacts out West that I had done so. The reply was oh, ok! They didn't understand ham radio, or believe I was communicating all over the world. They didn't really know what ham radio was for that matter. I remember my 40 meter frequency, 7157 khz. The receiver was a $30 heathkit AR-1, I believe. Within several months and after getting a part time job, I purchased a DX40 which also allowed me to operate on 15 meters. It would also be used for voice communications after receiving my General License, shortly after its purchase. I also operated 2 meters AM with a loaned Gonset Communicator and also used a Springfield Enterprize 2 Meter AM transceiver.
In another generation of equipment, I purchased a Halicrafters SSB Transmitter and HQ 170 Receiver
QTH at that time: Merion Station, Pa